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Audience Profile

Shown below is the audience profile that I have filled out for this project. I have filled the different sections of this profile using the other sections of research that I have carried out into my audience.

Target Audience

Representative Image Below

audience profile image.jpg

DEMOGRAPHICS—Who are they?

Age range:


Primarily Male


Geographic Location:
Essex area (mainly as those are likely to be the primary group of people going to the exhibition to play/test the game)


Out of my responses, only one person stated that they knew they follow a religion, being Christianity. So out of my respondents, the most common answer was ‘not sure’ and ‘no’, with ‘no’ receiving the most responses.


Income Range (If relevant):
From the questionnaire sent to parents, all seven respondents stated that their child receives £0-£10 a month as pocket money. This means my audience is mixed with children who receive pocket money (up to £10), and children who do not.


Living Situation (If relevant):
The members of my audience are primarily living with and being cared for by parent(s)/guardian(s).


Marital Status/Family Situation (If relevant):
From the questionnaire sent to the parents of my audience, I have been able to see that most living situations consist of primarily married parents (with some being married at the time of their child being younger), and then some others being single parents.


Educational Level:
At the ages of 7-12, the education level would be SATs (a mix between them working towards them, or already receiving them).






Hobbies/Primary Leisure Activities:
If I was to summaries two of the most commonly answered activities I would say that their hobbies/leisure activities mainly consist of video games and sports/physical activity (this ranging from football to bike riding).


Personality Traits:
From my parental questionnaires, a number of different personality traits have been answered. The most common response was ‘quiet’ (with one of the two responses being ‘calm and quiet’). However, as I mentioned there were a range of other responses consisting of ‘full on!’, ‘annoying’, ‘studious’, ‘timid’, ‘friendly’.


From the parental questionnaire, I have been able to see that the main values of my audience are friends and family, but also their education (doing well at it).


My audience range from passive and active lifestyles. Many enjoy sports as hobbies/leisure activities and therefore have a more active lifestyle (active being the most responded answer). However, just under half of my respondents stated that their children live a more passive lifestyle.


Motivators/Sources of Inspiration:
From the results of the parental survey, I have been able to find a number of motivational sources for my audience. The most apparent answer from parents was ‘rewards’. Some answers straight up stated this, but then others gave examples which would still classify as a sort of reward. Additionally, I also found that some of my audience are self-motivated, and are motivated as they want to be able to meet their own goals (one example of his being ‘future goals’.


Most Pressing Concern/Problem:
A common concern of my audience, according to the results of my parental survey, is bulling. The other most apparent answer is the ‘progression to senior school’. I’m not surprised about this, as my audience are around the age of moving from reception to primary school lower end of the audience), and then progressing from primary to secondary/senior school. There are also a few other apparent answers. One being school tests/results being a worry of their child (which is a concern for people of any ages, if tests are involved).


Attitudes /Opinions (both general and game-related):
All of the respondents stated that they enjoy both fantasy and sci-fi, which is a good start as these two themes are the themes we are required to make use of for the project.
The majority of my audience (respondents) stated pirates and sci-fi robots appeal to them. However, not all liked both of the themes (the majority of answers were ‘yes’ to these themes appealing to them).
Additionally, all of my respondents stated that they enjoy happy endings (which are good, because from previous research I came to this conclusion and changed my story concept to a happier ending).


Preferences (Games):

Some examples/types of games being:
Minecraft (apparent in two answers), Fortnite, Halo, Mario, Sims, Pokémon, Mobile/app games (dancing line and Mr. Jump).

Games such as Halo, Mario, and Pokémon are game with an apparent story. But the other listed games, due to the type of game, don’t have a story. This indicates that my audience likes games with and without stories.


The Game:

Current Knowledge:
In terms of the game's story, I have looked into similar products (in the form of movies) to make sure my story is acceptable. Additionally, I decided to make use of a happy ending, which from my audience research I can tell was a good idea since all respondents wanted a happy ending/prefer happy endings to stories.


Current Thoughts and Attitudes:
The majority of our audience will enjoy the game, due to the unique mechanics that it’ll include and the uniquely themed levels that make up the game. There are also elements of the story that are enjoyable to the audience, such as the general theme and the stories happy ending.


Main Concerns:
From my audience questionnaire, I have found that not all of my audience like the pirate/sci-fi themes, which could end up being a problem (although the majority do like both themes).
Additionally, I’m rather concerned that my lack of experience when writing will impact my work (but this is hopefully something I can work on throughout the project).


What you want them to think/feel/know about your game:
Enjoyable and unique gameplay, unique settings/islands (their themes/landscapes). Hopefully, they’ll find the story enjoyable and emotional (at times), and find the characters appealing.


What are the barriers to their enjoyment of your game:
Not everyone would enjoy the puzzle aspect of each level/island, just like how not all of my respondents liked pirates and robots. Story-wise, maybe the mother dying at the beginning might cause some disinterest and sadness (although feeling sadness wouldn’t be completely a bad thing).


Communication—How do they access information?

Primary information sources (newspapers, magazines, websites):
Family and friends (most common answer), Social media, via phones/technology (so I would imagine the built-in news notifications or news apps such as BBC)


Primary Influencers:
Family and friends



Any Other Information: ~

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