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Book Research - Computer Games: Text, Narrative and Play

Carr, D. Buckingham, D. Burn, A. Schott, G. (2006) Computer Games: Text, Narrative and Play. United Kingdom: Polity Press

(Carr et al., 2006)

Chapter 2: Defining Game Genre
For our project, one of the requirements we have been given for the game is for it to be an action adventure game.
Page 17 – “Action adventure games like Tomb Raider (1996), on the other hand, tend to set specific goals that must be attained in a particular order before the player can progress.” (Carr et al., 2006)
For our game, we have decided to have objectives in the form of puzzles that must be solved to obtain an item. The action section comes from the enemies that appear throughout the island, and then the adventure section comes in as to find the area where the puzzle is, the player will be required to make their way around the island.

Chapter 3: Games and Narrative
What is narrative theory?
Page 33 – “Narrative theory is concerned with the ways in which a narrative text communicates events, settings, characters and perspectives.”

Page 35 – “The same set of story events can be plotted in many different ways. Thus, the same ‘story’ can give rise to many different narratives, each of which would accentuate, exclude or emphasize different things. Additionally, narrative involves the relating or communication of these events.”
For one of my other sections of research I looked into some of the different types of narrative there are that I could use for this project. Some of which I experimented with more than others, but eventually I found a narrative I was set on.

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