Crew Member 1 Character Backstory
Much like the start of the other character backstories, I started the production of this biography by listing a number of possible concepts that could be used when writing the story (in other words, listed some possible life events/character elements that would be effective to write about in the bio). This was carried out at the beginning of the production for all my character backstories.
This character is an NPC character, and also one of the more minor characters. Although he's part of the protagonist's crew, I don't plan for him to have too much of a prominent role during the events of each island. Because of this, I decided to make the backstory shorter in length than my other stories (to allow more time to focus on the more important characters).
Creation Process:
When starting my full character backstories I decided that for each of them, before writing, I would plan out a list of topics/areas that the stories could include when I would go on to write them. To create this list of possible inclusions, I went back to the character profiles that I had previously created, as I had listed a number of different areas in those that I could write about.
The list for the first crew members backstory is shown below:
Concepts/events for backstory to include:
Receiving support from protagonist parents after the death of his own parents.
Learning to fish? / Learning to control the ship and navigate the seas (/mention of how his occupation is fishing).
Hard working trait – working his job by fishing along with the protagonist and his mother.
The disappearance of the protagonist father – impact on him?
Some of these were not talked about in detail, as I felt the detail could be further developed upon during his backstory or even a side story. However, I tried to implement some of the more important areas/concepts, such as establishing the connection between some of the other more important named characters (such as Ace, Amelia, and Hugh).
The Backstory is shown below:
Leonard was taught from a young age that strength, hard work, and dedication were what made a truly respectable man. The ones who taught him this was not his parents by blood, however, but a married couple on Litore Island, his home island, who cared for him when his true parents sadly died young from an illness that was unknown to him.
Leonard loved his parents and continues to cherish his childhood memories of them, but holds a deep respect for the couple how cared for him during his teenage years when he had no one else.
Leonard’s parents before him, just like many others who inhabit the island, earned their living by involving themselves in the fishing trade, which Litore island quickly began to prioritize in. But shortly after his parents falling ill, Leonard was required to step up and carry out their job for them.
This, however, was no easy task, as each day all the work was carried out by Leonard himself. It was tiring work, but he hoped his hard work would allow his parents to rest their bodies and get better. But sadly they never did.
After the death of his parents, Leonard had given up. He couldn’t find a reason to go back out to sea and fish, he had few other connections on the island and he had no reason to keep on living. It was at this time that Leonard thankfully caught the attention of a couple who live on the island, and was taken in by them. The couple was a husband and wife, named Hugh and Amelia, whom both reached out and cared for the young Leonard who was lonely and confused. The couple did many things for him and did more than just help him get back on his feet, but also helped him find reasoning as well as assisting with his job, but more importantly, they became role models for young Leonard.
The couple was more caring and compassionate than other people whom he had met with before, but their hardworking and cheerful personalities reminded him of his own parents, and so he was able to warm up to them. It was at this time that Leonard was taught that his life had meaning and that his parents, although no longer in this world, would still want him to live on with his life. Leonard’s life once again held meaning.
Soon after Leonard continued with his daily fishing life, and was once again the hard working and dedicated boy who he once was before the passing of his parents, as Leonard wanted to show his gratefulness and respect for those who had saved him for his dark times.
Leonard’s life continued to move on, and so did his new families. A few years passed and finally, Amelia gave birth to her and Hugh’s first child, who was named Ace. Although Leonard wasn’t family by blood, he was still treated like family, and so the arrival of a little brother had just occurred.
Years continued to pass but Leonard continued his daily hard work. But now it was different. Now as a twenty-six-year-old man, he now works alongside Amelia and her son Ace. Each day is eventful but enjoyable. The main change, however, is the absence of Hugh, who never returned after his last journey out to sea. But the family, Leonard included, still hope that he’ll one day return, and so to this day he continues to work hard and remain dedicated to his work, in wait of the return of Hugh, the one who saved his life.