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Crew Member 2 Character Backstory

Much like the start of the other character backstory, I started the production of this biography by listing a number of possible concepts that could be used when writing the story (in other words, listed some possible life events/character elements that would be effective to write about in the bio). This was carried out at the beginning of the production for all my character backstories.

This character is an NPC, and also one of the more minor characters. Although he's part of the protagonist's crew, I don't plan for him to have too much of a prominent role during the events of each island. Because of this, I decided to make the biography shorter in length than my other backstories.


Creation Process:
When starting my full character biographies I decided that for each of them, before writing, I would plan out a list of topics/areas that the biography could include when I would go on to write them. To create this list of possible inclusions, I went back to the character profiles that I had previously created, as I had listed a number of different areas in those that I could write about.

The list for the second crew members backstory is shown below:

Concepts/events for backstory to include:

  • What made him become a doctor

  • His life as a doctor, traveling around island to island?

  • Life on the 3rd (frozen) island

  • Possible experience of failing to save someone -> leading to him becoming more serious as he aged?

The Backstory is shown below:
Aged 37, Shurik spends his days aiming to help others by putting his skills and knowledge as a doctor to use. He is a kind soul but takes his job extremely serious as there are times where the lives of others depend on him.
However, there was a time when Shurik wasn’t as serious of an individual as he is now.

During the younger days of his life, as a young adult, Shurik was much more of a carefree individual and went around his daily life in a less serious manner. But this all changed the day that he made the decision to become a doctor.
On one fateful day, Glacies Island, the island in which Shurik inhabits, was attacked by the mechanical fiends that roam the sea and destroy the lands that they stumble upon. During this attack, the mechanical fiends managed to make their way across the frozen shores of the island and make their way into Glacies village. Thankfully the islands harsh conditions proved difficult for the fiends to navigate and progress across the island, leading to many getting stuck on the harsher sections of the island. But there were still many that had managed to get in the village.
They attacked the buildings of the village, as well as those who inhabited the islands, bringing destruction and panic in their wake. The inhabitants of the island, Shurik included fought back against these fiends to protect their village. During the fight, many of fiends, burdened by the freezing conditions of the island, ground to a frozen halt allowing the inhabitants of the island to easily pick them off and destroy them. But this wasn’t the case for all of the enemies.

There were still a number of the mechanical fiends that managed to power through the islands freezing conditions and fight back against the rebelling islanders. Many of these islanders received injuries, some only minor injuries, and some more threatening while engaging in battle with the mechanical fiends. This is where Shurik first realised that he was powerless. He watched as many of his fellow inhabitants became injured from fighting against the fiends, and some even being killed from the attacks. All Shurik could do was to try his hardest to help in the fight, but he didn’t possess any sort of extraordinary physical feats and therefore wasn’t too helpful during the battle. He watched as fellow inhabitants fell to the mechanical fiends. Many of the injured were lucky enough to receive only minor wounds, but there were a few unfortunate people to receive life-threatening injuries.
Shurik, frustrated by his uselessness, could only watch on and try his best to help as the fight continued and eventually came to an end.

The battle wasn’t too large in scale, but there were still many that received injuries. It was on this day that Shurik looked around and saw the many other people burdened by their injuries, and once again he felt frustrated at how useless he was. But it was out of this frustration that he decided that he’d dedicate his life to becoming a doctor and go on to learn how to make medicine and heal different injuries. During the current day, Shurik is relied on by many of the people of the island, even during the constant invasions that occur. Although not because of his physical prowess, because of his medical capabilities.

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