Exhibition Planning
Around four weeks before the exhibition week (being the 26th of April) my group and I discussed some of the possibilities for the exhibition. The reasoning for this was so we could all share our ideas on what we plan to do for the exhibition, but also provide our group members with ideas of how they could present.
I had a few ideas of how I could go around presenting my work at the exhibition, but one of the two ideas was as simple as could be.
These two ideas were to print my script and have it shown at the exhibition, and the other idea was to work alongside the artists and have character concept art shown alongside my short character biographies, to allow my characters (many of which not in the game) to be seen and recognised, but also understood with just a quick read.
However, I will need more ideas than this, and so we carried out a group discussion to discuss possibilities for presenting our work.
The planning carried out is shown below:

In terms of my department, the writing department, I was able to come up with a few more possibilities thanks to this discussion, but also thanks to some research I had previously carried out.
I decided to stick with my first two ideas, but then I also came up with some ideas that could portray the process of development during the project. My idea for this is to show how my story developed from a number of words on a page to a game concept, to the game concept with somewhat of a story.
However, I still need to decide on how I would show this at the exhibition.
One of my next concepts was an idea that I only gained thanks to attending EGX Rezzed during April 2019. This idea was to make use of an information sheet that listed key information on one side of the sheet, and then listed had other areas such as game artwork, the studio name/developers, and game name on the front. I felt as though this could be a good idea for our own game, as I feel as it's likely we won't be able to implement the story to our game, and therefore the sheet will allow different areas of the game (such as story outline, characters, etc.) to be explained.
However, if I was to try and make this, I would likely need to work alongside the other departments of my group, mainly marketing, as the assets needed for this would mainly consist of the others work (such as images from the game or artwork of the game), which would be alongside my writing about these different areas.
Additionally, for the exhibition, each department is required to have some sort of activity for the children/visitors to carry out. My only idea at the time of this planning session was a word search, as it can be easily created, and links with my role. This word search could involve the names of the different islands and characters of the game/story.
However, I'd like a bit more of interesting activity to carry out, but as this is rather simple and would take less time than other activities (to plan/create), this is an activity that I am heavily considering.
Before making any final decision I plan to talk with my marketing team about how work can be shown at the exhibition, as this will likely impact my current plans. But for now, I at least have a number of possible ideas to work from.