Game Information Sheet
I had a rather interesting idea for a resource that could be displayed at the exhibition.
The idea was to have a sheet that on one side advertised the game (so states its name and shows its logo), and then also linked our group's social media pages and the game websites, and then on the other side, screenshots of our game being played could be shown (gameplay), along with sections of text, written by yours truly, to explain certain elements that I wouldn't be able to show in our game demo, such as an improved character bio/personality, the antagonist bio, the brief world lore, the activities/events of the game, and ever the story outline.
I got this idea after visiting EGX Rezzed during April, as I saw a similar resource being used for one of the games. The influence can be found on the page linked below:
Before starting to plan anything, I asked the lead marketer if he'd make the resource for me (if I, and everyone else sent the required assets). Jacob (Lead Marketer) agreed, and so this became a collaboration task.
Now I knew that this resource would be being made, I began to plan out what areas I could write about.
Areas that I could write about briefly:
•Story outline
•Characters (outline of all of them/individual?)
- Protagonist –Antagonist
•World Outline
•Events outline (different to the story by explaining some of the ‘adventures/tasks’ that the player will face)
•Key Mechanics (ask Ben to write this section?)
After I had the plans for the areas to write about, I began writing. I decided to keep the sections rather brief, as I knew they were going to be fitted and printed onto a normal A4 sized piece of paper
Below, you can see my concept and mockup that I provided to the lead marketer.

From this image, you can just about see one side of the game info sheet (being the side with the text).
I feel as though this will be an effective resource in explaining features of our world to the audience, as like I said, it explains features that we couldn't manage to fit into our game.