World/Level Theme and Name Research
Even though we have decided to only create two levels for the game that will be shown at the First Site exhibition, I still need to plan the remaining levels of the game, as I will still be writing about them (them themselves, and about the during the script).
For the game's levels, my group and I have decided that there will be a total of six levels. Currently, I have concepts for the majority of the six, but I still felt that it would be an effective idea to carry out a research task into the different types of game world/levels, that are similar to the idea I currently have.
The current idea I have for the levels is for each level (island) to make use of a particular theme (such as varying weather/conditions). Becasue that was my idea, I already an existing game in minds that I could look into for inspiration as it makes use of/includes a number of uniquely themed levels.
Super Mario Odyssey (Nintendo, 2017)
Mario Odyssey (Nintendo, 2017), like most of the other main series Mario games, makes use of a large number of different worlds/level which each differs from each other with the use of theme. These worlds contain different enemies, but also have different visuals and make use of different mechanics. All of which is linked to the theme of the worlds/levels, or as this games calls them, Kingdoms.
Cap Kingdom

One of the more basic kingdoms of the game. Overall theme revolving around hats/caps, linking to the character/race that are found there.
Cascade Kingdom

The theme of this kingdom is mainly mountainous and prehistoric, with dinosaur remains, as well as an actual dinosaur located on the island. Additionally, as the name suggests, a water fall that falls down the island is quite a large part of the level.
Sand Kingdom

This kingdom has the main theme being a small desert village, with ruins located in the kingdom.
Lake Kingdom

This kingdoms main theme is water, as the kingdom has numerous sections that take the player underwater.
Wooded Kingdom

This kingdoms main visible theme is vast forestation, along with a factory looking building.
Cloud Kingdom

As the name suggests the theme of this kingdom is cloud, as the kingdom itself is on/formed from the clouds.
Lost Kingdom

The main theme of this island is poison. The sea that surrounds the kingdom is all poison, and the plants and creatures have been influenced by this.
Metro Kingdom

The theme of this kingdom is a developed city. The kingdom in the game has similar elements to the actual city of New York. The characters in this kingdom also link with the setting, as they are more human-like (which suits human architecture).
Snow Kingdom

This kingdom, as the name suggests, makes use of the theme of snow and ice.
Some of the characters of this kingdom work in conjunction with them, as they're wearing clothing that would be worn in a cold climate (puffy coats), but they are also comparable to seals.
Seaside Kingdom

The kingdom has the main theme of a beach/resort.
The characters located in this kingdom also relate to this theme, as they are snails, which of course can be found at a beach.
Luncheon Kingdom

The kingdom makes use of multiple themes and mixes them both together. These two themes being food and volcano/lava.
Ruined Kingdom

The theme of this kingdom focuses on a ruined, or fallen civilisation, as the whole kingdom is a ruin, with buildings broken/breaking and collapsed
Bowser's kingdom

The theme of this kingdom takes more of a Japanese theme and focuses more on poison than lava (like the previous worlds/levels that had a large influence by the antagonist, Bowser).
Moon Kingdom

This kingdom is set on the moon, so the theme reflects that with the setting being on the moon, and low gravity being present.

Additionally, an area inside of the moon can be accessed, which makes use of the more common lava/magma theme that is usually used on the final world of a Mario game.
Mushroom Kingdom

This kingdom makes use of a more basic grass plains theme, with the castle and some area around it forming the kingdom.
After carrying out this section of research into the different themes/settings and types of levels present in the game Super Mario Odyssey (2017), I now have a bit more of a solid idea into how I want to make each of the levels in my groups game/story different.
After looking at the different levels/kingdoms of the game, I have noticed that a certain theme or even a mix of themes is made use of. As an example, one level has a mix of themes of food and volcanoes, and another level makes use of the theme of ice and snow.
Almost all of the levels of the game make use of a completely different theme, which, for me, make the gameplay more enjoyable as the player is experiencing a completely different level each time, which a new theme, and other elements that link to the theme (such as characters, enemies, and the levels themselves).
I plan to take a similar approach to my levels, and try and give each one a unique theme. The current level concepts I have got are as follows:
Generic island market village
Mecha Shark interior/Ocean
World/Level Names
Now I have decided on the concepts for the different (main) islands of the game, the next step is to decide on the names for the different islands. This is once again one of my weaknesses, as I struggle to come up with original unique names.
Because of this, I feel like taking more of a simple approach to naming the islands will be a better idea.
This could be carried out by using the islands theme in the name, such as 'Volcano Island', for the volcanic themed island. If I take this approach, the names will be more basic, but they could also be effective.
Games such as Mario Odyssey once again make use of this naming process, as the names of the islands show the levels/worlds main theme.
Examples of this being:
Cascade kingdom, Lake Kingdom, Sand Kingdom, Seaside kingdom.
For my own islands, and the concepts are shown below, I have taken a similar approach and have tried to find names or meanings that relate to the theme of its island. While listing possible concepts, I decided to also implement some Latin meanings/variants of some words, but still linking them to the specific islands.
Level 1:
Litore island - meaning 'beach'. The link to the island is that it is a small beach island town/village.
Piscis Island - meaning 'fish'. The link to the island is how one of its main market trades is fishing.
Coloniam island - meaning 'colony'. The link to the island is how the first island makes use of the village setting/town more so than the other areas of the game, with it being the most visible theme.
Level 2:
Sandvine island - Link to the islands being the 'sand' from a desert, and 'vine' as vines are stereotypically seen in a jungle area.
Sandyvine island - Same link as the previous concept (both being concepts by another member of the group, Jacob - Lead Marketer).
Level 3:
Gelida island - meaning 'frozen'. The link to the island is that the islands theme is cold/frozen/snowy.
Glacies island - meaning 'ice'. The link to the island is that the main theme is ice/snow.
Glacier Island - Link being how when people think of what a glacier actually is (mass of compact ice/snow), they'd understand the conditions of the island without seeing it.
Level 4:
Waterfall Island - Link to the island is how it would have a number, or at least one prominent, waterfall(s).
Cascade island - The link to my island being how the setting is mountainous with waterfalls appearing throughout the island. If these, or at least one of the waterfalls falls over a number of different levels, then it is a cascade.
Mons island - meaning 'mountain'. The link to the island is that the island makes use of a mountainous setting/theme.
Cataracta island - Meaning 'waterfall'. The link to the island is that there would be a number of waterfalls apparent on the island.
Caesar island - meaning 'cascade'. The link once again is how I'd hope for the island to make use of a cascade theme.
Level 5:
Volcano Island - The link to the island being that the island is a volcanic island, with the main feature of the island being a volcano.
Ignis island - meaning 'fire'. The link to the island being that its a volcanic island, and the fire is usually grouped with the volcano theme (e.g
Calor island - meaning 'heat'. The link to the island is that the islands theme is volcanic /fire, so heat would be an element that would be expected from such a location (such as a volcano/volcanic region).
Level 6:
Level 6 is inside the antagonist, for the most part, so the level doesn't necessarily need a name. Although if it was named, it would be something along the lines of 'Stomach of the shark', or something that suggests it's inside the shark's stomach.
Decided names
The name I have for the levels I have decided upon are as follows:
Litore Island, Sandvine island, Glacies island, Cascade island, Ignis island.
The final level is within the mechanical shark itself, so the name would likely be as such.
I decided upon these names as each give an impression of what the island actually is. Many would not know what some of the names are, but some would be able to associate the names with the themes of the island (e.g. some of the easier ones being Glacies Island being associated with a cold climate).
However, there are some names I'm not completely happy with. The main one being the first island name, Litore. For now I will keep the name as stated, but if I can find the time, I might end up trying to find a more suiting name for the island (as Litore, meaning beach, is rather basic, although this island is rather basic/simple so this could still end up being fitting).