Character Biography and Stroy Research
During the last project, being FutureProof, one of the research tasks I carried out was some research into character biographies, to allow me to gain a greater understanding of what they are and what they should include.
I plan to go back to this research and link my previous blog, but I also plan to look into some more of the characters from the game 'League of Legends' (Riot Games, 2009), as I enjoy the wide range of character profiles that are available on the games website.
Additionally, I plan to take this research to the next stage and look into the characters' stories, as this is something I did not get around to doing during the last project's research. I feel as though this would be an effective research task as I didn't look into specific character stories the last project, as my focus was solely biographies.
By looking into their stories, I hope to get a better idea of what these stories can include and see how they link to how the character is shown in the game (if they do), but also just to allow me to read professional high-level writing, as this is something that will, even if not written about on my blog, hopefully, benefit me and my own writing.
What do Character Biographies Include? - League of Legends
(Riot Games, 2009)
As previously mentioned, I carried out this piece of research during my last project. But for the case of this research piece I will be showing the analysis of one of the more detailed biographies that I previously looked at on this blog/page (the other four that I looked into/analysed last project will remain on my previous blog, but I still plan to look back to them - mainly due to the reason of not wanting to fill this blog with research I have already carried out before).
My previous blog, which shows the last project, is linked below and shows this and the other character biography analysis that I had carried out. Additionally, the analysis shown on this page that I carried out the last project is shown in a slightly different colour, as my indication of it being done in a previous project.
Previous Blog Research Page:
Character Biography looked into below/Ekko's Character Biography:
All quotes in the section below are from the character biography shown on the biography page for Ekko on the League of Legends website (League of Legends, 2015)
"Ekko, the Boy Who Shattered Time"

(League of Legends Wiki, 2015)
Character Birthplace/Home
The characters home region is stated within the first sentence of the biography.
Line 1 – “A prodigy from the rough streets of Zaun…”
Additionally, by stating “rough streets” the readers have a better idea of where about this character grew up.
Character Personality/Traits/Characteristics
In the first line, we are told that this character is a prodigy, but on line 2 we are further explained what sort of prodigy he is.
Line 2-3 – “Using his own invention, the Zero Drive, he explores the branching possibilities of reality to craft the perfect moment.”
From this, we know that this character is a prodigy as an inventor. This is also the key feature as to what links the character to what he does (his abilities) within the actual game itself, as with this invention Ekko manipulates time, and one of the characters main abilities in the game is travelling back a few seconds in time.
Ekko’s personality/traits are also hinted at early on in the biography.
Lines 3-4 – “Though he revels in the freedom, when there’s a threat to his friends he’ll do anything to defend them.”
This tells us that Ekko enjoys having freedom, but the biography also suggests some traits of the character, when it states “when there’s a threat to his friends he’ll do anything to defend them.”
This could suggest a number of positive and negative traits, such as courageous and brave. However, this could also suggest that the character is impulsive or even foolhardy.
Key characteristics of the character are further iterated when paragraph 2 line 1-2 states, “Born with genius-level intellect, Ekko constructed simple machines before he could crawl.”
This further drives the idea of the unique characteristic of this character is that he’s a genius, and managed tasks that most people could not carry out at such a young age.
Characters Family (Family Structure/Members/Jobs)
During this paragraph, we also learn of Ekko’s family and upbringing.
On paragraph 2 line 2 we learn that the names of Ekko’s parents and their plans for their son.
“…his parents, Inna and Wyeth, vowed to provide a good future for their son. In their mind, Zaun, with all its pollution and crime, was no place for a child of his genius.”
This not only tells us that Ekko had caring and supportive parents, but it also shows us that Ekko lived is a two-parent family, most likely as an only child.
A little later on in the biography, we are also what the parents are aiming for, and how they plan to fund the plans for their child.
Paragraph 5 lines 6-7 – "No, his parents’ vision of Ekko living a good life in the privilege-filled City of Progress was one he didn’t share.​"
From this, we can tell that they're trying to raise enough money to send Ekko to Piltover (another city of the world close to Zaun) where they believed he'd have more opportunities.
Ekko’s aspirations/Character Trait
Another major trait of the character is stated when the biography states that Ekko tested his inventions on himself, even though there could have been unforeseen dangers.
Paragraph 5 lines 10-12 – "That Zaun spirit enchanted Ekko and drove him to build his machines exclusively out of junk no one else valued, and spurred him on to test them on himself.​"
People of Zaun described
Another element that forms the biography is a description of Zaun and its people. However, since there are a number of other characters from this location, the location and the people of it don't to be entirely covered (additionally, the location has it's own story on the website).
Paragraph 5 lines 3-5 – "It was a hotbed of pure innovation, a melting pot of faraway cultures, immigrants united by a single desire to pioneer the future."
Paragraph 5 lines 9-10 – "They were resourceful, resilient, and industrious. They built a thriving culture out of catastrophe and flourished where others would have perished."
Time Skip/Character Traits
As Ekko grows up and continues his inventions, we are told that he begins to steal from scrapyards to obtain needed part. From this we are able to see some more traits of the character (Bold, daring, reckless)
Paragraph 8 lines 1-3 – "As he grew up, Ekko’s inventions became more fantastic and complex, requiring exotic components that needed to be “liberated” from the scrapyards. Good thing he subscribed to a conveniently flexible view of trespassing."
Additionally we are told that Ekko and his gang of friends only steal from those who have more than themselves, which would also suggest that the character is somewhat righteous.
Insight On How Ekko's Abilities Work (The Z-Drive)
One of the key components of Ekko's Z-Drive is explained. This being a broken Hextech Gemstone, which links to the game itself (although the use in-game is to craft character skins, but it's still a nice little link).
This gives the reader some insight as to why Ekko can travel back in time (his ultimate ability in-game) and the story behind how it works,
Paragraph 9 lines 1-3 – "One night, while Ekko scoured the rubble of a recently demolished laboratory, he made an astonishing find: a shard of a blue-green gem that glittered with magical energy."
Paragraph 15 lines 1-3 – "Eventually, Ekko harnessed the shattered crystal’s temporal powers into a device that would allow him to manipulate small increments of time — well, at least in theory."
Links To Other Important Characters
By mentioning the names of other characters that are in the game, and are located in the same regions as Ekko (Zaun/Piltover), the biography/story being told feels more believable, and the games world actually feels like a single, connected world (since other characters have a noticeable impact on other characters lives).
Paragraph 19 lines 2-5 – "Viktor, a much respected (and feared) Zaunite scientist, has a keen interest in an audience with this defiant genius, and outfitted several of his low-level enforcers with powerful enhancements to encourage the boy to join his services."
Paragraph 19 lines 6-8 – "Piltover-renowned innovator Jayce, meanwhile, was eager to size up the Boy Who Shattered Time and reverse-engineer his technology."
Biography Ending
The last section of the biography states clearly what Ekko's dream is. This was somewhat told earlier in the biography, but that was more his aspirations then his dream.
Paragraph 20 lines 1-4 – "In his wildest dreams, Ekko imagines his hometown rising up to dwarf the City of Progress. Piltover's golden veneer would be overshadowed by the sheer ingenuity and relentless spunk of a Zaun born not from generations of privilege but from utter daring."
The very last line of the biography ends with a rhetorical question.
"After all, if he can change the past, how hard could it be to change the future?"
This is a pretty suitable ending since it leaves the readers aware of what the character dreams to do, and doesn't just end with his dreams being carried out, and the character having no future goal. Additionally, since, from the biography and visuals of the character, we know Ekko is a teenager, and therefore it makes sense that most of his dreams and aspirations should be events that yet to have happened in his life.
Other Elements Included
Other regions / cities mentioned, such as Piltover.
Ekko's daily activities as a kid are mentioned, along with the friends he made. These friends act as minor characters and are unnamed in the bio.
Main event in the biography is the creation and testing of the Z-Drive (From getting the gemstone, to making the Z-Drive, to testing it/using it to save his friends).
the part of the character name that's like a slogan is also referred to in the bio, most likely showing the origins and meaning behind it.
"The world shattered around him and he was wrenched backward through swirling particles of time."
Main Elements Included In The Biography
Character name
Unique characteristics/traits of the 'protagonist'
Characters location of birth/current residence
Location (people who inhabit it, what the place is actually like)
Family (parent names/jobs)
Character(s) dreams (Ekko himself/his parents)
Creation of MCs weapon/Links to what he does in-game
Characters everyday activities (kid/teen)
After Looking back through this research
Looking back through this research (this character biography and the other four that I looked into, that are shown on my previous blog), I have been reminded of the different features/elements that some of the biographies from the game 'League of Legends' include.
Many of the character biographies vary in length, with many being short and others being on the longer end of the scale, and consisting of around twenty paragraphs (well, separate bodies of text).
I could use this to my advantage when creating my own full character biographies by allocating/spending more of my time on writing/developing the biographies for my major characters, and then spending less time on the biographies for the characters who have more of a minor role within the story.
During the research I carried out last project (just to reiterate, the section shown above in blue) I listed out some of the main elements that the 'League of Legends' character biographies include.
When writing my own character biographies, I plan to come back to this, as look at the other biography analysis on my previous blog, to help with possible ideas that I could include in my own characters bios.
League of Legends Character Biography Research Part 2
When writing the character biography for my antagonist, I was somewhat unsure of how to approach it as although this character is my antagonist, it is unlike my other characters as it is more of a monster than the other characters (so whereas my other character, for the most part, are all human, this character is a mechanical shark). Because of this I decided to look into some more of the existing character biographies for League of Legends. However this time I took a different approach than the last time I looked into these biographies and decided to only look into monstrous characters as this would be more benefiting for me.
Upon decided I would do this I had already thought of a number of characters I could look into. In the worlds universe/lore for League of Legends (Riot Games, 2009) there are a number of different character and locations/regions. However there are a number of characters whose stories link to an area of the universe called ‘the void’. From my experience and current understanding of the game and its lore most of the character associated with the void are characters who are more comparable to monsters or are humans but have been taken over or influenced and changed by the powers of the void. Because of this, I decided it could be a good idea to look into the biographies for these monstrous characters to see what their backstory includes.
Cho'Gath, The Terror of the Void

(Surrender at 20, 2014)
Surrender at 20 (2014) 10/3 PBE Update: Ravenborn LeBlanc, Underworld Wukong, and Cho'Gath splash arts [Online]. Available from: [Accessed 03 May 2019].
Link to the biography of this character on the official website:
The biography for this character is a lot shorter than some of the many other character biographies I have read for this game. However, it still manages to explain the character, as well as some elements linking to the character, rather well.
This character's biography starts with a brief explanation/description of the location in which this character resides.
Paragraph 1 lines 1 and 2 – “There is a place between dimensions, between worlds. To some it is known as the Outside, to others it is the Unknown. To those that truly know, however, it is called the Void.”
The characters origins are then further developed, stating that he is a creature born in the void.
Paragraph 1 line 3 and 4 – “Cho’Gath is a creature born of the Void, a thing whose true nature is so awful most will not speak its name.”
The biography also includes a section developing the ‘Voidborn’. This section also links to a section of the worlds/universes lore.
Paragraph 1 lines 8 to 11 – “They are called the Voidborn, creatures so ancient and terrible that they have been removed from history altogether. It is rumored that the Voidborn Command vast armies of unspeakable creatures on other worlds, that they were once driven from Runeterra by powerful magic lost to antiquity.”
Continued description of the character/traits is shown towards the end of the biography. Additionally, the biography is drawn to a close by linking the traits of this character to the void.
Paragraph 2 lines 2 to 6 – “Cho’Gath, an alien creature of malice and violence, causes all but the most stalwart to cringe in fear. Cho’Gath even appears to feed on its predations, growing and swelling as it gorges itself. Worse yet, the creature is intelligent, perhaps greatly so, hinting at the sentient horror of the void.”
What does the biography include:
The location in which character resides within the world/universe of the game.
Character Origins.
A brief explanation of what this character's race is/are like.
Explanation of the character itself (what the character does – linking to his in-game abilities)
-Some character traits covered.
Kog'Maw, The Mouth of the Abyss

(LoL Wallpapers, n.d.)
Link to the biography of this character on the official website:
The character biography stats with a link to one of the many other (important) characters of the game. This link is introduced during the start of the biography but is further developed throughout the biography.
Paragraph 1 line 1 and 2 – “When the prophet Malzahar was reborn in Icathia, he was led there by an ominous voice which thereafter anchored itself to his psyche.”
During this section of the biography, the reason for the character leaving the Void and appearing in Runeterra is also explained (Reason for the character being there).
Paragraph 1 lines 4 to 8 – “This baleful beacon’s gentle - now fastened to Runeterra - drew forth a putrid beast that ambled across a threshold it did not understand, widening a fissure between the spaces which were never meant to meet. There amongst the haunting ruins of Icathia, Kog’Maw manifested in Valoran with unsettling curiosity.”
Paragraph 1 lines 8 to 10 – “The spark which led him to Runeterra teased him still, urging him gently towards Malzahar. It also encouraged him to familiarize himself with his new environment, to the stark horror of everything he encountered on his journey.”
More about the character and the events taking place once travelling to Runeterra are covered.
Paragraph 2 lines 5 to 7 – “Seemingly unhampered by conventional rule of physics, Kog’Maw consumed every nomad and any obstacle they put in his way, amounting to many times of his own mass and volume."
More about the character itself is mentioned and developed. Additionally, the ending of the biography is drawn to a somewhat open end, stating that he will meet the character he’s been searching for eventually but it is unknown what will happen when that time comes.
Paragraph 2 lines 9 to 12 – “Even this feeding frenzy did nothing to satiate Kog’Maw’s appetite. His swathe of destruction continues as he is inexorably drawn towards Malzahar. What happens when he finds him is anyone’s guess.”
What does the biography include:
Link with another existing (main/playable) character from the world/universe of the game.
The reason the character is there (In Runeterra to find Malzahar)
Some traits of the character (this also somewhat shows of how monstrous this character his.
Ends with what he’s currently doing (continuing the search for Malzahar).
Kha'Zix, The Voidreaver

Link to the biography of this character on the official website:
The biography starts with a section explaining what this character actually is and why he isn’t in the void, but in Valoran (states his current location).
Paragraph 1 line 1 and 2 – “A vicious Void predator, Kha’Zix infiltrated Valoran to devour the land’s most promising creatures.”
The final section of the first paragraph goes on to explain more about the characters motives, and links the character’s motive to another playable character of the game, being Rengar.
Paragraph 1 line 2 to 4 – “With each kill he absorbs his prey’s strength, evolving to grow more powerful. Kha’Zix hungers most to conquer and consume Rengar, the one beast he considers his equal.”
The second part of the biography further explains the reasoning that the character has travelled to Valoran, being that he wishes to consume animals and evolve, which also links to his abilities evolving in the actual game.
Paragraph 2 line 1 and 2 – “The animals he first encountered were too small to fuel the rapid evolution he craved. Kha’Zix focused his hunger on the most dangerous creatures he could find, risking his life to satisfy his need. With each kill he feasted and changed, becoming a stronger, faster predator.”
The biography further establishes the link that this character has with Rengar and goes on to explain the origins of this rivalry.
Paragraph 2 line 10 to 12 – “They fought from sunset to sunrise. Finally, near death, they reluctantly separated. As his wounds closed, Kha’Zix burned with anticipation at the idea of devouring one who could match the Void’s strength.”
The biography comes to a close stating the current events of the character, and what the character is aiming to achieve.
Paragraph 2 line 10 to 12 – “He resumed his search for powerful prey with renewed vigor. Someday, Kha’Zix will feast on Rengar.”
What does the biography include:
Characters current location/origin location
Characters motives explained
Link to the characters in-game abilities
Link to another in-game playable character(s)
Current events of the character (linking back to his motives)
Evaluation of research
I feel as though carrying out this section of research has proved beneficial to me, as I have been able to find some different areas that I can/need to include in my character biographies and backstories (as the League of Legends biographies are similar to character backstories), which has helped me when carrying out the task of writing the biographies/backstories of my own characters.