Team formation/concepts discussion
The very first task of the extended project was to find out what our roles are and also learn of the groups we will be working in for this project.
For this project, I have been assigned the writing role, which means the writing based tasks and concepts of the game / story will be created by me, with help from my team in the form of discussions and votes.
During this lesson our team got together and discussed some concepts that could be carried out for each role (what each team for the different roles could carry out and create for the project).
This consisted of multiple story concepts, as well as a number of concepts for different level designs (such as the level being open world or node based), the types of marketing that could be carried out (e.g. poster concepts), the look and concepts for some characters and main art style of the game, and even some of the sounds / types of sounds that could be included throughout the game.
This image shows the different concepts noted down for the five different role. The aim of noting these down were so we can go back to them for inspiration when carrying out later tasks.
In my case, I plan to go back to this mind map for the concepts (story/characters) that are noted, to allow me to create more detailed concepts later on, which will then hopefully lead to the final decision being formed and decided.