One Sheet
For one of our pre-production tasks, each member of the group is required to create a one sheet. This one sheet contains the basic information of the game, such as the games name, story, and characters, but then also includes information on the games art style, audience, and types of sound. Although we each need to create our own one sheets, they will all contain, more or less, the same information (main section being different our roles, and likely being the similar games section, as the games I picked for mine were relevant to the games I was using for inspiration at the time of narrative and character planning).
My one sheet, shown below, one sheet shown below shows our (the different departments in our group) ideas, as to what we plan to be working towards for this project.
Some Explanation
The 'Some Similar Games' section of my one sheet lists three games that could be compared to certain sections of our game. 'Sea of Thieves' (2018) is listed as the first similar product as the pirate theme will be prominent in our game, but also as we plan to have a section of our game (being the part between levels) where the player controls a ship and sails across the sea.
'Mario Odyssey' (2017) is shown as the narrative of our game is comparable that the narrative of Odyssey (being nodal), but also as our art team want to carry out a similar art style to what that game makes use of.
Then finally, 'Warframe' (2013) was listed, as it includes a companion mechanic where you can equip an animal/another being to follow you around levels and help during combat, which is similar to the sidekick in our concept, as it follows you around and will attack close by enemies during combat.
Additionally, there's a box on the one sheet that lists some additional information about the game. This states that the game is open-world, which is due to the levels making use of a open-world like theme, where the player can venture around the levels/island, but also as between levels the player can control the ship and sail around the seas somewhat freely.