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Theme and Genre Research

For this project, we were given a theme and genre that we will need to use when we create our game. The genre that we are required to use is action adventure, and then the theme that we were given was fantasy. Additionally, during a lecture theatre lesson, it was decided that the game's concept would be sci-fi pirates, which therefore means sci-fi is another theme that will be present in the game, along with fantasy.

Because of this, I decided to look into what fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Action-Adventure all are, to allow myself to have a better understanding of what they all are when going into this project.

What is Action-Adventure?
The action-adventure genre can be described as a mix of the two genes, action and adventure. Because the genre is a mix of two genres, I will need to know the features of the two genres individually.

"Action games main mechanics revolve around one or more of the following:

  • Accuracy

  • Movement

  • Quick Decisions

  • Reflexes

  • Timing

This genre is only to be used for games that don't fit in the other action-based basic genres such as Racing/Driving, Role-Playing (RPG) and Sports." (Mobygames, 2018)












"Adventure games emphasize experiencing a story through dialogue and puzzle solving. Gameplay mechanics emphasize decision over action. Puzzle solving usually revolves around combining or manipulating items to advance the story. Some sub-genres like visual novels often skin on puzzle solving and focus fully on interactive narrative. The name adventure stems from the game Adventure (a.k.a Colossal Cave), and not to the unrelated film/book genre Adventure." (Mobygames, 2018)








What is Fantasy?
Video games that involve the theme of fantasy often include "magical and/or supernatural elements as part of the plot, setting, or theme." (Literary Devices, year unknown
The world within a fantasy story/game can be a work of fantasy itself (a fictitious world or location), or be based on a real location. As a movie/novel example, Harry Potter is based in England, but still includes the fantasy magic elements (magic creatures/characters, magical activities, and magic itself).











Codes and convention
The theme of fantasy has a number of codes and conventions that are usually followed or that are apparent when the theme is used within a story (whether it's a novel, movie, or game).

According to the website 'Edusitesmedia', the codes and conventions of the fantasy theme are as follows.

"Codes and Conventions

  • High production values

  • Younger target audience although significant older appeal

  • Wide/saturated distribution (normally by an American Studio e.g. Warners or Disney). Mainstreamers and Aspirers

  • Dedicated, sometimes obsessive fan base

  • Convergence and Synergy – computer games, merchandising, forums and blogs, fan sites…

  • Emotive, often ‘romanticised’ narratives

  • Hyper real, idealised representations

  • Saturated primary colours

  • High key lighting

  • Significant CGI and FX e.g. green screen technology

  • Aspirational, escapist characters, often undertaking a quest

  • Occasional political narrative themes only understood by an older target audience with significant cultural capital (e.g. about minority groups)

  • Reputation for being ideologically traditional e.g. Disney ‘teaching’ gender roles to young target audiences

  • Positive narrative outcomes (happy endings)

  • Simplistic, linear narrative (e.g. a Hobbit travels across middle earth encountering danger)

  • Propps character roles can often apply

  • Iconography includes magic, mystical creatures e.g. Elves and Fairies

  • Often set in the past (King Arthur) or in an imagined time

  • High production value costume design

  • Exhibited mainly in multiplex cinemas

  • Escapism as key audience appeal" (Edusitesmedia, 2019)

Most of the elements/aspects shown on the list aren't really too helpful in terms of my role, but there are a few points that are, such as the point that states 'positive narrative endings', and the point stating about magic and magical creatures being apparent.

What is Sci-Fi?
Science Fiction is a genre of speculative fiction (an umbrella genre including narrative fiction and futuristic elements) that includes fictitious/imaginative concepts such as time travel or advanced technology.  

Codes and conventions

SlideShare (2013) Science Fiction Conventions [Online] Available from: [Accessed 25 February 2019].

"Setting - Time: The future, an alternative timeline, or an historical past that contradicts historical records."

"Setting - Place: Outer space, other worlds, or alternative versions of earth."

"Symbolism: Futuristic props, costumes, and settings that represent the scientific advancement at the centre of the film."

"Narrative Elements: Conflict between good and evil."

"Narrative Elements: The development and/or application of a) new technology (e.g. nanotechnology, robots, spaceships) b) new scientific principles (e.g. time-travel) c) new political systems (e.g. dystopian/utopian societies)"


Research Reflection
I have have tried to make use of a number of the codes and conventions of the different themes/genres (of fantasy and sci-fi).


A few examples of how I've tried to fit some codes and conventions into my concept would be:

  • The conflict between good and evil (fantasy/sci-fi)

  • Positive narrative ending (fantasy)

  • Mechanical enemies/sea creatures (sci-fi)

  • Word/setting - alternate Earth (set in the past, but with steampunk technology - sci-fi)

  • Simplistic linear narrative - travels from island to island to obtain maps/find father (fantasy)

  • Open world like levels to encourage adventure (action-adventure), along with enemies to fight (action).


There are more examples and ways that I have used these code and conventions, but the list above shows some of the key areas that had an influence on me and my concept.



(Superpower Wiki, n.d.)


(GeekTyrant, 2018)


(Polygon, 2017)

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