Character Biography Writing
This page of my blog will show the production process of my character biographies as well as the character biographies themselves. The production process diary is shown/starts below, and the biographies themselves are shown towards the bottom of the page.
One of the first production tasks I wanted to carry out for the production phase of the project was the writing for the biographies of my characters. For this, I decided to write reasonably short, quick and easy to read biographies for all of the primary/secondary characters, and even the enemies of the game (these biographies including characters that wouldn’t appear in the game demo being created for the exhibition). I decided to keep them on the shorter side, as this was something I hope to eventually show off at the project exhibition (at the end of the project), and so I didn’t want to write large amounts that people likely wouldn’t read at such an event.
Why did I do this task?
The task of writing my character biographies was carried out for a number of reasons. With the biographies being created, they could then be passed over to the marketing team to be included in the GDD, which would explain all of the individual characters.
One of the other main reasons was because I felt having character biographies, along with the pre-production work for the character concepts, would be useful for my art team when creating the character concept art as they’d have better idea of the characters they were creating.
Lastly, I also felt as though this piece of work (being the character bios) could be a piece of work that I could showcase at the exhibition (at the end of the project). For this I would need to work alongside the artists who were in charge of character art, as my idea is to show off the character art along with the character bios, which would allow the visitors of the exhibition to see the games characters, but then also read the idea behind them.
How did I carry out this task?
Before writing out the biographies to my characters, I looked back at the pre-production work I had carried out/created that linked to my characters. The main tasks looked at were my character word/moodboards and then the character profile templates. I decided that it would be effective to look back at these as they portrayed my character concepts quite well, and so looking at them once again for reference while writing my character biographies would allow me to make sure what I was writing for each character was sticking to the idea/concept I had for them.
The pages to these two tasks are linked below.
Decision making and changes I have made
To begin with, I had planned for my character biographies to be similar to the biographies for the characters of League of Legends (Riot Games, 2009), where the biographies were rather lengthy, although while writing my own character biographies I decided to keep them at a shorter length that could be easily/quickly read, as I had some plans to use these biographies at the project exhibition (my thought process here being that I wanted to make the bios short and sweet to allow those at the exhibition to easily read about my characters). This area of research is talked about/linked to under the research section of this page.
I feel as though this was an effective change, as what I ended up writing for the biographies isn’t too much, or too little, and so I believe that they’ll be a useful material for the exhibition.
One of the other main areas of decision making that was carried out was the naming of my characters. This was something I had been researching into, but I still hadn't finalised before the writing of the biographies. But now I was on the task of writing the character biographies, I didn't want to just refer to my characters as protagonist, or crew member 1,2, or 3 (which is what I had been doing before this point). I then thought it was about time to finally decided on my character names, and so I continued my research into the naming process of characters, and then decided upon the names of my characters (so their concepts could finally be more complete)
Problems and problem solving
One of the main problems that I encountered most often was that I wasn’t happy with the concepts for some of my characters, which was reflected in the biographies of those characters (such as the last two crew members, Shurik and Rosa).
However, I managed to get around this problem by carrying out a certain research task, being my research into the different roles on a pirate ship, which allowed me to strengthen the concepts for the characters I wasn’t happy with, but even strengthen the characters/concepts I was already happy with. The research piece allowed me to strengthen the concepts, as I could then give the characters a specific role on the crew/in the story.
In addition to that first problem, it also solved the problem of my character being too similar.
Additionally, as mentioned I was unsure for the names of my characters, as naming characters isn't one of my strengths, and so I researched into a number of different naming processes, and then upon decided upon on listed/experimented with some concepts until I got to the names that I felt were fitting for my characters.
Finally, one of the last problems, that was also overcome with research, was my lack of knowledge in what character biographies should include. To get around this problem, I needed to expand upon my knowledge of what should/can be in character bios, and so I researched into the character bios of two different games (further explained below).
If your decisions have been informed by your research please explain this in detail
As previously stated, the research into the roles on a pirate played a big role in influencing my character concepts, but there was also some other research tasks that influenced my character concepts and character biographies.
The first piece of research that influenced me was my research into the Dragalia Lost (Cygames, 2018) short character biographies/descriptions, as well as the League of Legends (Riot Games, 2009) character/champion biographies. During these pieces of research, I was able to spot some areas/topics that biographies of different lengths include. For example, the Dragalia lost biographies/character descriptions were very short in comparison to the League of Legends characters biographies, although both included areas of the characters (such as who they are, where they’re from, and what they do).
As stated, League of Legends was also an influence for this, but the research task carried out ended up being more of an influence for me when writing my character backstories (Which will be further explained on the character backstory page). Then once I knew of some of the main areas to include in my own biographies, I tried to make a medium length bio (longer than those of Dragalia Lost, but shorter than most for the League of Legends characters), using the list of important areas as a basis (almost like a criteria for my own).
The pages for these two areas of research can be found on the two pages below.
Another piece of research that heavily influenced my character biographies (and base character concepts) was some a piece of research that I carried out into character writing. One of the main areas that I found useful, and tried to bear in mind while writing the biographies of my characters (and while carrying out any other of the writing tasks regarding my characters) was to give my characters personality and a place within the story (E.M. Welsh, 2019).
This area of research, as well as the other research carried out for characters writing (that I also found useful) can be found on the page below.
Finally, there was also some more research for my characters, but this will be looked at/explained along with the respective character biographies (with the bios on this page).
Reflect on how well it worked out, how well you operated as a team and how closely the finished product matches your initial plans
As previously stated, when writing my character biographies I looked back to the character profile templates as well as the word/moodboards that had created for each of my characters with the aim of trying to ensure that my character biographies were as relevant and close as possible to the concepts I had decided upon for my characters. Although the concepts for two characters in particular, Shurik and Rosa, were less developed when starting this task, but thanks to the research carried out I was able to improve and decide on their concept (meaning they were really the only characters that were somewhat different to the initial idea).
Discuss how your action has impacted on the overall project
I’m hoping that now I have created/written the biographies for all of my characters, I will be able to give the artists a better idea of the characters they will be creating. In addition to this, I’m hoping that I will be able to use these biographies at the exhibition, which is great as before this task I wasn’t really sure of anything that I could show off/showcase.
Conclude with what you have learnt and what you will do next
During this task, I believe I have been able to further my understanding of character biography writing, as I haven’t just looked at and considered one type of biography, but multiple (short bios from Dragalia Lost, and longer from League of legends). In addition to this, while carrying out research for this task, I found some useful information on character writing (as stated previously), and so I plan to go back to this and go over the research when carrying out relevant future tasks.
While carrying out the task of writing my character biographies, the research into League of Legends character biographies has actually given me some influence for character backstories (as in what a character backstory should include), and so the writing of the backstory of my characters is the task that I plan to carry out next.
Finally, my character biographies are shown below
The protagonist of this story and the player character. Ace is a rebellious and adventurous seventeen-year-old teenager who has already experienced more hardship in his life than most. His childhood was spent facing more difficulties than others as he only possessed one arm since his birth. Although this soon changed when his father, who during this game's story is missing, designed and created him a mechanical prosthetic, which Ace now makes use of to the fullest during his everyday life.
However, the hardships that Ace will encounter do not end there, as the story of the game starts with his home island being invaded and attacked by mechanical crabs. During this attack Ace’s mother receives a fatal wound which leads to her death. Ace is of course saddened by his mother’s death but knows she wouldn’t want him to live a life of sorrow.
Sidekick/Octavia (Opi)
The sidekick of the protagonist, and the main gameplay companion throughout the game. The octopus Octavia is a young female octopus, being 1 year old in Octopus years, and is a rather weak and timid individual, which is often portrayed with her running away from the first sight of what could be danger. Her recent past has consisted of her living on a jungle desert island, Sandvine Island, all alone, with the occasional encounter with some mechanical fiends.
However, upon being saved by Ace during the story, and deciding to join him on his journey, she finds the bravery to fight alongside him to make sure she can be useful and repay her gratitude. Upon becoming friends with Ace, she receives the nickname ‘Opi’.
The mother of Ace, the stories protagonist. Amelia is a 45 years old mother, to Ace, and wife of Hugh. She’s one of most kind and individuals you’ll ever meet, even after going through the hardships of raising her son alone after her husband’s disappearance. Although her husband, Hugh went missing, she never lost faith in him, and still believes that he’s alive somewhere in the world, and wishes for his return, so her family can once again be together again. During the first level, Amelia receives a fatal wound while fending off a group of mechanical minions to protect her son, which leads to her death. While regretting not being able to find her husband, she’s happy to know that her son is willing to find his father even after her passing, to allow her to rest easily.
A 47-year-old father, of Ace (the stories protagonist), and the husband of Amelia. Hugh is one of few individuals in the world to understand the steampunk technology and machinery that is surfacing around the world. He himself was once totally new to the concept, but with his natural genius, love of travelling and learning, he became capable of creating his own machinery. One of his inventions was an arm for his own son, Ace, who was born without his arm. Shortly after this Hugh left on an adventure, upon hearing of a rumoured location at sea (this being where the protagonist eventually travels to). While on his journey, he finds the location but then finds that the mechanical shark roams the seas there, and is eaten along with his ship. He survives, however, but his ship is damaged beyond repair, leading to him becoming stranded inside the shark’s stomach for many years until his son also encounters the same fate.
Crew member 1/Leonard
The first person to join Ace’s crew. Aged 26, Leonard spent most of his days sailing out to sea on his boat to fish. At a young age he was left alone due to the death of his parents, but thanks to the care and kindness of a married couple on his home island, Hugh and Amelia, he was able to grow up with parental figures.
While hardworking, he is also a caring individual, likely due to the influence of kindness shown to him as a child by Hugh and Amelia.
During the story, upon hearing of Amelia’s death, just like Ace, feels remorse, but for Ace’s sake knows he must act strong. Upon learning of Amelia’s and Ace’s wishes, he decides to assist Ace on his journey to find his father.
Crew member 2/Shurik
The 2nd human to join Ace’s crew. Aged 37, Shurik spends his days aiming to help others by putting his skills and knowledge as a doctor to use. He is a kind soul but takes his job extremely serious as there are times where the lives of others depend on him. During the story, he is found on his home island (3rd island) seeking help to obtain some medical supplies. After being helped by the protagonist, he asks to join to the crew to help with the journey but to also gain passage to other islands allowing him to help others who might be in need of medical help.
Crew member 3/Rosa
The 3rd human to join the crew. Aged 28, Rosa spends her days living on Ignis Island and lives her daily life as a blacksmith. Rosa has had a life of hardship, as she experienced the loss of her family during one of the Mecha Shark's hunger-induced attacks, and so was required to grow up and survive alone.
Rosa has ever since lived with a grudge against the Mecha Shark, hoping to one day see its downfall, whether its downfall is due to her fierce ability and skill with a cannon, or due to other sailors using the supplies that she creates.
Though she has a fierce and sometimes cold personality, she still cares to those close to her.
During the story of the game, she joins Ace's crew and becomes the crew’s gunner. During her time alone, she became acquainted and unnaturally skilled with guns and cannons, mainly with the intent of showing strength in the face of those trying to double cross her during her work.
Antagonist/Mecha Shark
The antagonist and main boss of the game. Although having the appearance of a shark, this behemoth is a concoction of metal and machinery, unlike any other shark you’d expect to see. This being has lived on for over a hundred years by consuming other ships that it has encountered sailing the ocean, as the ships are made of the resources that this being hungers and survives on. Many have tried to fend off this monster at sea, but with its steel plated body, all have failed. Only a few have lived to tell the tale.
Enemies/Mechanical Fiends
Mechanical Crab variation 1 – Minion class enemy. Although being relatively weak, this enemy is commonly spotted travelling in packs, making them many times more dangerous. These enemies are a common sighting on many islands, as they scout out and attack islands and the people who inhabit them. While being the weakest of the minions, any ordinary opponent would fail to defeat a group of them, as their metallic bodies are sturdy and resistant to the attack of feeble humans.
Mechanical Crab variation 2 – Minion class enemy (could count as mini-boss). This enemy is commonly spotted leading and roaming around with groups of the more common, and smaller mechanical crabs (variation 1). This crab takes full advantage of its body, by using its larger and much stronger pincer to attack and cause devastating damage. Although holding the capacity to throw out more dangerous attacks, this enemy one downfall is the time it takes the reposition itself after attacking, as it must pull back its heavy plated mechanical claws.
Mechanical Pufferfish – Minion class enemy. These enemies are only spotted while sailing the ocean. Some float at sea level, whereas others sit lower down under the surface level, but both variants have the same intention of exploding when unaware ships collide with them. By exploding and damaging ships, they create an easy meal for the hungry mechanical shark that roams the seas.
Mechanical Turtle – Minion class enemy. Although this enemy is considered the weakest among the mechanical creatures, it has a strength that tops all of the other minions, being its defence, as it boasts one of the highest defences out of the minion class enemies due to its reinforced metallic shell plating. This makes it difficult to deal with, but unlike the others, is usually spotted alone or in smaller groups.
Mechanical Isopod – Minion class enemy. This creature can be particularly difficult to deal with, as it attacks by curling up into a ball and firing itself at its target. While curled up, the creatures become fully encased by its metallic shell, making any weak points much harder to find and hit. When curled up into a ball and firing itself, it often damages its surroundings as it becomes similar to a cannonball, in terms of shape, power, and substance.